Group Workouts

IBF Group Workouts are 45 minute, co-ed, cross training workouts. Workouts vary each day and consistently include sections of powerlifting, calisthenics, and kettlebells. These sessions are for individuals looking for a challenging, full body workout. Group Workouts are for all fitness levels; regressions and modifications will always be provided to ensure safety, while progressions may be created for those looking to go above and beyond.

Move & flow

Not offered at this time

This program is yoga inspired and encompasses muscle and joint health which most of us neglect after or in between workout sessions. The primary focus of this 30 minute class is to aid in injury prevention, joint and muscle health and potential stress release. We’ll move through workable mobility, deep stretches while tuning into our body awareness, control and our breath. It’s time to slow down and take a deep breath, friends.


Call or email to schedule

One-on-one personal training is a great option if you are looking for more individual instruction, or you enjoy working at your own pace and have more specific objectives you want to accomplish. You’ll be given a program that is specifically designed for YOU and your goals. Personal training allows you to work very closely with your coach in a safe and effective way.

BUT let’s first talk about you! A consultation is required first to break down what you’re looking to accomplish, specifically your goals, short term and long term. We’ll discuss injuries and pains you might have, your diet and an overall strategy to navigate toward the end goal and a sustainable lifestyle.